Monday, February 1, 2010

Because I am always in control....

Because I am always in control I did not sit at the DMV for an hour and a half just to be told that I didn't have the documents I needed. I did not tell the man "helping” me that I was DONE with California. I did not walk out 5 month pregnant caring my screaming child and 2 bags out of the building while everyone was watching. I did not let fruit snack fall on the floor and not bother to pick them up. I did not tell my child as I put him in the car that his screaming was unacceptable and that he should be able to be happy at the worst place on earth for and hour and a half. And I did not swear that once we left California that we would never come back. Because I am always in control.


Lora said...

I ALWAYS HATE THE DMV!!!!!!!!! {especially when there is a child involved} I'm sorry to hear about your awful day, though I'm happy to hear about the California hating---some people go and swear they'll never come back to Utah. I'm secretly hoping you'll be back here soon. WE SOOOOOOOOOOO MISS YOU!!!!! {Our valentines/chocolate party just wasn't complete without you.} When is your baby due? I'm hoping you and Neal will come up to Utah for the SLC marathon/5k/bike ride. I know you couldn't participate but I want it to be a tradition for all of us and I'm going to try to run the half. We'll would just be fun to have you here.

N Luthi said...

lol. poor girl! Thanks for the sweet comment! I for sure want to know what we are having! Its great to see you blog and now that you guys away to keep up with your happenings!